不知道该问什么? 查看下面的常见问题以获得答案 的 questions that we get asked 的 most!

  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#schedule" target="_self">时间表 & 学术计划
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#registration" target="_self">登记
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#tution%20and fees" target="_self">支付学费, Books  & 费用
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#placement tests" target="_self">位置测试
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#admissions" target="_self">招生 & 记录
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#grades" target="_self">成绩 & 成绩单
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="/academics/support/counseling/graduation/graduation-faq.php" target="_self">毕业
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#services" target="_self">服务 Available at PCC
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#ges" target="_self">GEs和转移
  • <一个类="list-group-fa-caret-right" href="#probation" target="_blank">Warning (formerly probation) & 重复的类

课程时间表 and 学术计划

A unit/hour is 的 amount of college credit you will receive for a course based on 的 number of hours 的 course meets weekly. For example, a three-unit class will 每周见面三小时. Some 类 meet more hours than o的rs and may be worth 额外的单位. 请记住,一个有更多单位价值的职业通常需要 更多的工作.

你只需要在每个秋季和春季学期上一个单元就可以成为一名学生 PCC,你不需要考虑夏季和冬季课程的单元 一个学生. 经济援助要求你修满12门课程才有资格申请 full financial aid (also depends on o的r factors). 国际学生 are also 每个秋季和春季学期都需要修12个单元. 我们建议您 需要12 - 14.如果每周工作时间不超过20小时,每学期2个单元. 越 hours you work, 的 fewer units you should take.

你 can take a maximum of 20 units in 的 Fall and Spring semesters, and a maximum of 12 units during 的 Winter and Summer intersessions. Although 的se are 的 maximum units, we recommend that you 需要12 - 14.3 units each semester if you are working 20 每周工作几个小时或更少. 如果你受到学业或进步警告(以前是留校察看), 你每学期最多可以修12门课.3. 我们intersessions 是否因为每次训练时间只有6-8周而更加紧张 . 为了成为 successful, we recommend that you only take one class (3-5 units) per intersession.

你 don't need to declare a major during your first semester at PCC, but you will need to declare a major before you complete 30 units. For guidance in choosing your major/career, you can visit 的 职业中心 or enroll in our Career Planning class (咨询 17).

你 can change your major when 与咨询师会面.  你也可以通过提交一份申请表格来申请转专业 在线咨询查询.

“许可”和“限制”类是为特殊程序保留的. 你不会 不能注册这些特定的crn,除非你在相关的程序中 与CRN一起. 欲了解更多信息,请点击在线时间表中的CRN链接 类 and read 的 Section Information Text note.

这意味着还没有指定教师来教这门课. 你 可以联系相应的部门,看看是否已经分配了指导员.


First Time Failing a Class

你可以在PCC重复一节课,最多三次尝试以计算较高的分数 (包括W). 或者,你可以在另一所大学重复同样的课程,并提出申请 to 计算等级越高的. 要求计算另一所大学更高的分数, please visit 的 招生及记录 website for 的 申请程序.

如果你重修了PCC的课程,你不需要提交请愿书. 你原来的 F/D grade will still be visible on your PCC transcript, but it won't be calculated 你的GPA. 大多数大学都会遵守这一政策,但只有一所大学 we are aware of that does not is USC. They will average 的 grades no matter how it appears on 的 PCC transcript.

Failing a Class Three Times

如果你有三次不及格,你可以申请第四次上这门课 time, but your chances for approval are low. If you formerly received 3 D/F grades 对于同一个课程,你最好在另一所大学复读申请 to 计算等级越高的.  If you repeat at PCC through a petition approval, we can 只调整2个等级.  如果你仍然想要请愿,请按照说明 概述了对 Petition a Special Circumstance.

If you do not need to repeat a course because 的 class(es) are not needed for your current goal, this is a good option for you. 

你原来的 F/D grade will still be visible on your PCC transcript, but it won't be calculated 你的GPA. Most universities will honor this policy, but 的 only university that we are aware of that does not is USC. They will average 的 grades no matter how it appears on 的 PCC transcript.

阅读更多太阳城集团官方网址导航我们的学术更新政策,请查看 academic renewal petition.  

如果您符合资格或对学术续期政策有更多疑问,请提交您的 completed petition or questions to 在线咨询.  

Academic Warning is when your overall PCC grade point average falls below a 2.0. 一次 如果你被列为“学术警告”,你将继续被列为“警告”,直到你提高你的分数 cumulative grade point average to a 2.0或更高. To avoid Academic Warning, avoid getting D's and F's in your 类. If you must drop 一个类, drop 的m early to avoid receiving an F in 的 class. 如果你是lready on Academic Warning, 的 quickest 恢复好成绩的方法就是重修那些你得了D的课程 或F的.

如果没有改善,警告可能导致包括解雇在内的严重后果 所示. 此外,在学术警告期间,你最多只能修一门课 12.3 units each Fall and Spring semester.

你 can discuss o的r strategies to avoid or getting off of Academic Warning with a 辅导员.

For more information about Warning, go to Help with Academic Warning


Receiving a letter grade means you will be given a grade of A/B/C/D/F and it will 算进你的GPA. If you elect 一个类 to be P/NP that means if you receive 如果你的成绩是A/B/C,你将获得及格(P),如果你的成绩是D/F,你将获得及格 a No Pass (NP). P/NP评分没有GPA. If you get a P, you will be able to move on to 的 next level if it is a sequential class. 如果你愿意的话 elect 一个类 作为P/NP评分,你可以通过L楼的招生办公室进行.

<一个类="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="/admissions-and-aid/admissions-and-记录s/grading-system.php">了解更多太阳城集团官方网址导航P/NP以及如何为您的班级申请P/NP

An "I" is given by an instructor in cases where 一个学生 is doing passing work at a C or higher level in 的 class, but for reasons beyond 的 student's control, is unable to complete 的 requirements of 的 course. 你 must contact your instructor 在学期结束前安排完成要求的作业/测试.

当分数为“I”时,一份“未完成分数分配合同” must be completed and signed by you and your instructor. This contract lists specific 去掉“I”的条件,并按默认等级记录,如符合条件 在指定“I”的学期结束后的一年内没有完成. 您必须在一年内完成剩余的课程作业/测试,或默认的 grade will be 记录ed on your transcript. 你 may not re-enroll in 的 class as a way to make up an “I” except in exceptional circumstances, such as a lab class. 后 you make up 的 required work, 的 grade earned will be entered on your transcript. “I”不用于计算你的GPA,除非你申请毕业 point it will be calculated as an F.

The difference between an F grade and “I” notation:

你的成绩单上的F是永久性的,你必须重新注册并付费才能重考 整个班级. 当你完成要求时,“I”可以变成一个等级 你不需要再次注册或支付课程费用. 同时, you only need to complete 的 work you are missing.

一般来说得到W是最好的,因为它不能解释为什么你没有完成 的 class and because it does not factor 你的GPA. However, a D/F grade shows 你在班上不是一个好学生,这会对你的成绩单产生负面影响. W's have less of an impact on your 记录 if 的re are only a few, but if you have many W's, 的n universities may question 如果你是 consistent student or if you 总是放弃课程. 唯一有具体W限制的大学是南加州大学(最多2个) W's). 太阳城集团官方网址导航这个话题的更多信息,你可以向咨询师咨询. 另外,因为 W's may impact your financial aid, contact 的 财政援助办公室 了解更多信息.

永远不要以为你会自动被某门课除名. 如果你想放弃 一个类, please drop 的 class in LancerPoint. Be sure to drop your 类 by 的 下降的最后期限.

Keep in mind that each CRN has its own drop deadline. To find out 的 drop deadline for a specific CRN, refer to 的 online schedule of 类 and click 太阳城集团官方网址导航你的CRN. 这将打开一个新窗口,显示CRN的截止日期.

如果你通过了一门成绩为C或C以上的课程,你可以不用在PCC重修这门课程. 大学通常只计算第一及格,所以即使你复读 的 class at ano的r college, universities will take 的 first passing grade. 你 只能重修成绩为W、F、D或NP的课程. 如果你愿意的话 如果你想提高你的GPA,唯一的选择就是继续上课,拿A.

Here are some exceptions:

  1. 一些护理课程允许你重修课程以获得更高的成绩. PCC的护理 这个项目可以让学生在另一所大学的理科课程中重复C,他们也会这么做 计算等级越高的.
  2. 有些节目允许重复,如果有最近的要求. 例如,一些 研究生课程有要求,必须在5年内完成. 如果这个类 5年内未考过,学生是否允许复读. 请与 your interested graduate school to find out 的ir policy.

如果你需要重修C或更高分数的课程,你可以提交一份 Special Circumstance Student Petition. Keep in mind that chances for approval are low. 你r o的r option is to retake 的 course at ano的r local community college.



  • Click on hamburger menu > Discover > find "My 登记 Appointment" > Confirm term > Submit

一次 you are on 的 waitlist, it is your responsibility to check your Lancer email (在LancerPoint的“首页”标签下)每天收到一封电子邮件,表明上课 has been activated in your LancerPoint account. 后 一个学生 drops out of 的 enrolled 同学们,等待名单上的第一个学生将收到一封电子邮件. 你要负责任 登录LancerPoint并在48小时内“激活”课程. 如果你失败了 to activate 的 class within 的 48 hours, 的 system will no longer email you for 那堂课,然后下一个在候补名单上的人会收到一封电子邮件,直到1点 of 的m activates 的 class. 你 can only be on one waitlist CRN per class.

If you are still on 的 waiting list by 的 first day of class, you can attend 的 first day of class and ask your instructor to add you. Instructors will usually add from 的 waiting list based on seats available. If you aren't on 的 waiting list, your chances of getting added on 的 first day are lower.


  1. 点击“类” & 学者”选项卡.
  2. Click on 的 “Check 登记 Status” tab.
  3. 点击“返回菜单”.
  4. Click on “Student Detail 时间表”.

Try registering for a different CRN that is open. 你 may also try to get on 的 waitlist (to look-up 的 waitlist policy, do a FAQ search for "waitlist" at 的 top of this 页面). Lastly, you may attend 的 first class meeting or 联系教练. If 的re is space available in 的 class, 的 instructor may give you an add code to register in LancerPoint. 请记住,教师通常会增加学生 from 的 waitlist first before adding first day walk-ins.

首先,您需要使用原始的CRN号码注册课程 point LancerPoint will ask you for your add code.

Each CRN has its own add deadline. 你 can look this deadline up in 的 online schedule of 类 by clicking 太阳城集团官方网址导航你的CRN. The add code can only be used once, and it must be used before 的 last day to add for that specific CRN.


A prerequisite is a requirement that you must meet/complete before enrolling in a class.

例如,数学5A课程的先决条件是数学007B,数学009,或安置 based on 的 Math assessment process. To enroll in Math 5A, you need to first pass 数学7B,数学009,或者通过数学分班考试进入数学5A.

Read more about prerequisites 


A corequisite is 一个类 you must take toge的r with 的 class you intend to take.

For example, 的 class AT 111 has a corequisite of AT 110, so to enroll in AT 111, you must also enroll in AT 110 in 的 same semester. If you don't enroll in AT 110, you won't be able to enroll in AT 111. 你 can choose any CRN of AT 110 and it doesn't need to be with 的 same instructor as in AT 111.

如果你已经通过了PCC的必修课程,LancerPoint会自动通过 clear you for 的 next course sequence.

如果你在另一所大学选修了一门课程,达到了先决条件,你就可以拿到你的 prerequisite cleared in 的 Prerequisite Office. 了解更多.

您将负责您的课程的删除和添加截止日期. 每个CRN类 有不同的截止日期,你可以通过点击在线课程安排找到 太阳城集团官方网址导航你的CRN.

For o的r important dates, view 校历 学期截止日期.

支付学费 & 费用

All fees are due at 的 time of registration. Classes may be automatically dropped 在学期第一天前的周五,从学生的课程表中删除.

此外,任何未支付的费用将导致您的帐户被搁置 这将防止将来的注册(包括更改课程安排) 的 current term), access to grades and o的r services.

你可以在LancerPoint网上支付,也可以在学校的 学生银行 located above 的 Student Book Store in B203.

Need assistance with your tuition?  申请经济资助.  Questions about your Financial 援助? 联系 的 财政援助办事处

如果你是n international student, check with 的 International Student Center 太阳城集团官方网址导航你们的付款政策.

We offer two parking options on campus:

  • Daily parking permits are available at dispensers around all of 的 parking lots.
  • 学期和课间停车许可证可以通过LancerPoint在线购买. For more parking information, visit 的 警务处 & 安全.

是的, 的 书店 will list 的 instructor and 的 required text for each course. 不过,你可能要等到第一次班会之后,当老师 will confirm which books are required. 

要查找所需的课本,请访问 网上书店.

是的. 你 may also be able to sell your used books back to 的 书店 at 的 end of 的 semester if 的y are in good condition.


学生们在高中11年级时被分为英语和数学.  你的位置 is usually automatically entered when you apply to PCC.  If you do not receive your placements with your admission application, you may complete 的 self placement in 的 网络方向

登录LancerPoint > hamburger menu > Discover > find "View Placement 结果" card > View Placement 结果


To become a PCC student, follow 的se simple steps to apply, enroll and register.

View 的 Steps to Get Enrolled.

To become a PCC student, follow 的se simple steps to apply, enroll and register.

View 的 Steps to Get Enrolled.

如果你只打算参加PCC 1-2个学期,个人兴趣,研究生院 prep, or an occupational skills certificate, go to One-Two Term Student Steps

It's never too late to apply for financial assistance! To receive aid, complete 的 FAFSA和BOGG表格.

For more information on financial aid, contact PCC's 财政援助办公室 or call us at (626) 585-7401. 

伟大的! We offer two types of enrollment for students currently 在高中时 — Dual 注册(在高中参加PCC课程以获得高中和大学学分) and Concurrent Enrollment (taking PCC 类 outside of your regular 高中 天).

Learn More 太阳城集团官方网址导航 预科项目 at 的 PCC Campus

你r LancerCard ID (Student ID Card) will be available once you have registered for 一个类. For more information, go to 的 LancerCard ID页面.  

登录LancerPoint > hamburger menu > Discover > find "Update My Profile" card > View Placement 结果Update 地址 & 手机

  • Confirm if your mailing address is current.  If you need to update your address, under 的 drop-down menu for "Type of Address to Insert", select "Mailing" and click on “提交”.
  • Follow 的 prompts to update your mailing address.

服务 Available at PCC

No. Unfortunately, PCC doesn't offer housing, but 的 学生生活办公室 (CC-105) and housing boards around campus post notices for roommates and rooms for rent in 的 local community.

PCC offers childcare that is available through 的 儿童发展中心位于格林街和霍尔斯顿街的拐角处,距离校园只有一个街区. 联系 咨询中心电话:(626)-585-3180.


我们的辅导员会帮助你选择课程 新生辅导 如果你是 first time college student. 如果你是 有其他学院学分的新生或在读学生, 与咨询师会面 或者连接到 转移中心 for help in planning your academic 类.

此外,您可以探索转学中心的在线资源来帮助您确定 which PCC 类 will transfer. 查看资源

因为每个州都有太多的大学,我们没有转学衔接 for out-of-state colleges/universities. 你r PCC credits are transferable everywhere 因为我们是一所地区认可的学院,但我们没有同等学历的名单 to out-of-state universities.  我们建议你联系你的州外大学 and ask what 的ir requirements are. If you receive a list, we can help you identify 的 “likely” equivalent 类 at PCC.

许多加州大学和州立大学不接受第二学士学位申请者. 你可以向 的 university you are interested in. If 的y don't, you may consider a Master's or Doctorate degree program instead. Most graduate programs don't require a specific 学士学位,但他们只要求学士学位,特定的课程,和其他 材料/需求.

If you attended middle school or 高中 in ano的r country, you probably won't be able to take language 类 in your native language. 与咨询师会面 欲了解更多信息.

你r foreign language requirements will vary depending on your academic goals. 看到 below for your requirements:


你 don't need to take a foreign language at PCC if you:

  • Attended a non-English speaking 高中 for two or more years in your country OR
  • Attended an English speaking 高中 but you took one foreign language for two years with grades C- or higher

If you fulfilled 的 above requirements, you'll need to submit your original 高中 记录s showing that you attended for two years to 的 招生 office (L Building). If 如果你上的是外国高中,你需要出示高中成绩单的复印件 记录. 


CSUs don't have a language requirement, but you can still take a foreign language 满足自己的通识教育要求,也可以选择选修其他课程 类. 此外,csu不接受高中学分,除非是AP学分.

Earn a PCC Associate degree

There is no foreign language requirement to graduate.

你 may not need to get your foreign credits evaluated. If you want to transfer to 一所大学取得学士/学士学位后,该大学会做对外信用评估. PCC can't evaluate foreign credits for 的 university since you will be graduating from 的 university and not PCC. The graduating university or college must decide. 我们建议您 connect with institution you are interested in to determine if 的y will accept credits from your foreign institution. If yes, 的n you will need to avoid retaking those 类 at PCC.

If you already have a foreign BA/BS degree, many public universities in California won't accept second degree applicants, so it's best to connect with 的 university before you proceed, or you may also consider applying for graduate school instead.

If you want to get an Associate degree from PCC, you will need to get your foreign credits evaluated first by an approved agency. 后 you have completed 12 units at 你需要咨询师把你的外国学分评估报告提交给PCC 对我们的副学士通识教育进行第二次评估.

Send an official transcript to 的 PCC招生办公室. 当你在PCC完成了12个单元的课程作业后,你可以申请一个 transcript evaluation with a 辅导员.

AP学分是复杂的,所以你应该与顾问讨论,如果你可以使用你的 美联社信贷. 如果你打算转学,每个大学和专业都有不同的要求 standards and policies regarding 美联社信贷. If you file for 美联社信贷 at PCC and later 得知你需要上这门课,并且想要取消PCC的学分,我们会的 not be able to remove 的 credits. 与咨询师联系 for guidance on how to proceed.

如果你想用你的AP学分来清除注册课程的先决条件,你 可以让你 request through 的 Prerequisite Office.